
A brave woman has removed over 300 fishing hooks from sharks

This brave diver puts her hand inside the sharks’ mouths to save them.

This is Cristina Zenato. She is a world-renowned diver who is known as the “shark whisperer” because of her skill working with sharks. She is going to show you around.

Cristina and her partner divers may be seen in an extraordinary video surrounded by sharks in the pristine blue waters off the Bahamas.

She reaches bravely into the ferocious fish’s mouth to extract the fishing hook.

The shark seems completely at ease in her presence and appears unfazed as she delves deep into its mouth.

Cristina does, however, protect herself with chainlink body armor as a safety measure.

The daring diver employs a particular technique that involves stroking the ampullae of Lorenzini – the name given to hundreds of jelly-filled pores surrounding the creature’s snout and mouth – in order to induce a quiet, meditative state in the species. The creature then falls asleep.

For up to 15 minutes, it causes sharks to enter a natural condition of paralysis.

‘I am constantly removing shark hooks in my regular work and dives with sharks,’ Ms Zenato was cited as saying.

‘In this instance, it was more difficult than normal. I had to extract the shark from deep within after placing it in tonic.’

Film and documentary makers around the world have recognized Cristina for her work with sharks, including the BBC and Nat Geo. Cristina has over 20 years of expertise working with sharks.

She oversees the diving operations of the Underwater Explorers Society (UNEXSO) on Grand Bahama Island.

Watch the amazing video here: