Meet The White-Browed Tit-Warbler, The Bird With A Beautiful Rainbow Coloring

There are some amazing birds out there, and I think we can all agree that their plumage and vibrant colors make it difficult to believe they are real.

It’s true that the name of this bird sounds made up, but it’s real, as I can attest to.

So without further ado, meet the white-browed tit-warbler.

These creatures live in boreal woods and high altitude regions of Asia like the Himalayas.

Because they are foragers, they eat mostly insects that they find under rocks and roots.

Purply-blue bodies with brown tops and pale brows make up the majority of these strange critters.

They are extremely small, weighing between 6 and 8 grams and measuring approximately 8.5 to 10 centimeters in length.

The males are brightly colored, with unique blue underparts on their underparts. Both males and females have light brown eyebrows and a light brown crown.

Females have a duller coloration and can be differentiated by their light underparts, whereas males have violet-blue underparts and chests, and their tail is considerably lengthy compared to the females.

Their diet is primarily comprised of small insects and spiders, which they catch primarily on the ground.

They are voracious foragers, searching for insects beneath roots and rocks, although some may be caught in the air. During the colder months, the diet is supplemented with a small amount of seeds and berries.